Re: REQ: display and allow modifying From: header

From: Tim Middletan (
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 23:30:55 -0500

Fri, 10 Jan 1997 10:46:24 -0500, (Dirk A. Loedding) wrote:
>I couldn't begin to count how many times I've had to
>manually unsubscribe someone *immediately* after they'd subscribed,
>because the "Welcome to the list" message bounced due to their altered
>from line. To put it mildly, it's rather annoying.

I always (almost always) get out-flank this problem by doing all
subscribe/unsubscribe messages straight from my unix shell -- bypass the
offline mailer -- just to make sure everything is always the same.

But anyhow, was thinking of a way any fledgling Yarfers might get around
this.... in your Yarf.cfg make these two definitions:

"^To: listproc@"::"real@email.adr (Real Name)"
"^To: majordomo@"::"real@email.adr (Real Name)"

that way Yarf will always make sure to put your real address and/or name
(real name is optional there) when sending commands to those two particular
list processors anyhow, automagically.

  Tim Maddletyn = with love and tomato sandwiches = as544
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