Re: REQ: display and allow modifying From: header

From: Dave Lewis (
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 1997 10:53:29 -0600

> Date: Thu, 09 Jan 1997 04:22:46 -0600
> Reply-To:
> Sender:
> Precedence: bulk
> From: (Phil Crown)
> X-Newsreader: Yarn + Yep + Yin + FTE + VSoup for OS/2
> X-Moon-Phase: The Moon is New!
> X-Os2-System: The Operating System/2 Version is 4.00 Revision 9.023
> X-Os2-System: 21 processes, 67 threads.
> X-Listprocessor-Version: 7.1 -- ListProcessor by CREN
> >Two suggestions about web useage:
> >1) Never accept any cookies that information including an email address
> >goes back to the cookie sender,
> How can you tell when a cookie is sending this information?
> --
> Phil Crown
Well, I have to comment... for your browser to send a cookie containing
your email address back to a server, the server had to have already
sent the information as a cookie to your browser. all the cookie does
is allow servers to save some info *that they already know* about you
in your browser. No other server can access that info.

This is mostly used to allow per-user customizations of sites.

I should point out that all servers that I know of log who comes in and
what pages they look at already - this is done outside of any cookie
stuff. (who in this case being the ip address)
