Re: REQ: display and allow modifying From: header

From: Debra Walker (
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 16:15:12 -0600

On Wed, 08 Jan 1997 21:49:44 +0000,
in yarn.list,article<>,
"Ben C. O. Grimm - Libertatis Praesidium NL -" <> wrote:

>Jani Patanen wrote:
>> When I write a message, From: header is not included in the message.
>> It would be nice to have it there, so that I could add spam-block
>> (or remove it) when writing to closed mailing lists/international news
>> groups. As it seems that more and more spammers get addresses from
>> news articles I would like to have an easy way to modify my From:
>> header when I want to.
>> For example to put From: Jani.Patanen@pp.kolumbus.fi_REMOVE_TAIL
>A simple way to do this is to change your 'name=' line or your
>'domain=' line in the config-file. As long as your 'reply-to=' line
>reflects your correct e-mail address, return mail will reach you. Most
>spammers grab the from-line, which is determined by your 'name=' and
>'domain=' lines.

Thanks to you, and Chin Huang, for your replies about this subject. My
spam frequency has recently increased, and I am seriously considering
such a method for posting to Usenet. It is getting so bad that I
almost dread looking in my Yarn INBOX (the folder where a lot of the
junk goes). So, don't be surprised if my future posts contain a
different From: header.

However, I am glad to see that Yarn has such wonderful config options.
We need all the assistance that we can get in dealing with this serious

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL