Re: REQ: display and allow modifying From: header

From: walt moffett (
Date: ed, 8 Jan 1997 23:28:12 -0500

In article <>, (Debra Walker) wrote:
>On Wed, 08 Jan 1997 21:49:44 +0000,
>in yarn.list,article<>,
>"Ben C. O. Grimm - Libertatis Praesidium NL -" <> wrote:
>>Jani Patanen wrote:

<< about how to edit yarn config to foil spammers >>

>Thanks to you, and Chin Huang, for your replies about this subject. My
>spam frequency has recently increased, and I am seriously considering
>such a method for posting to Usenet. It is getting so bad that I
>almost dread looking in my Yarn INBOX (the folder where a lot of the
>junk goes). So, don't be surprised if my future posts contain a
>different From: header.
>However, I am glad to see that Yarn has such wonderful config options.
>We need all the assistance that we can get in dealing with this serious
>Debra Walker
>Debra Walker
>Chicago, IL

Also look at the mail filters, a rule deleting any mail with floodgate or
cyber sender in the header has lowered my blood pressure as has a rule
that deletes mail with a ! in the subject line, the result is a leaner

A study of the UCE headers posted on and email
can be quite helpful too.