Yarn bug (might be old)

From: huug (huug@telebyte.nl)
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 09:00:58 +0200

Using Yarn/2 0.89, Yarn pops up an error message "cannot find article"
in my lists.netrexx pseudo-newsgroup for an article with id:

Message-Id: <"0107102557-NetRexx.AdFilter.WebProxy available*/PN=Jens-Christian.Fischer/OU=CHTUS/O=ABB/PRMD=ABB/ADMD=400NET/C=CH/"@MHS>

The Yarn error message only displays the part of this X400 gatewayed
message's id before the space. The article was imported & filtered OK
and the news spool file is readable to Yarn beyond it, and can be marked
read in the summary list.

Note: I reserve the right to publish or return unsolicited, harassing or 
annoying (e-)mail.  /hy:X/                                  PGP keyID: DF28F4C1
"All are strange but thee and me; but sometimes thee acts funny." - Chuck Blake