Re: Multipart/Alternative

From: James Huang (
Date: Sun, 05 Jan 1997 14:36:09 +0100

In mail.yarn, article <>,
(A.R. & F.L. Scott-Thoennes) wrote:

> >Talking about MIME support I'd also be happy about that being more
> >featured. It should be possible to set the correct MIME-coding if I
> >send a multpart message. The way it is now, every file I attach is
> >encoded as "octet stream" so that the receipient has to save the file
> >first before he can access is.
> You can edit the message after doing the attach to change the content
> type.

That would, of course, be dependent on the user knowing which encoding
is applicable.

I would prefer that when a user "clicks" on "Attach file" after editing
the message the pop-up has a menu choice where the user can choose which
MIME encoding to use.

The encoding headers could be defined in the Yarn "Config" file using
the same format as in (f.ex) MSIE or Netscape.

Now if only we could get Yarn to act like MSIE or Netscrape when it
comes over MIME-headers (exepting the Multi-part text/HTML of course).
