Re: How to reclaim space in news.dat?

Albert Y.C. Lai (
Wed, 01 Jan 1997 20:41:41 -0500

In article <>, (Yngvar Folling) wrote:
>However, I am under the distinct impression that Yarn
>imports new messages in the *last* free blocks instead of the *first*.

With the aid of NNIGN, we can see that it is not just an impression but
a reality. It really happens that way.

This translates to a highly conservative policy when Yarn gives space
back to the OS. Highly conservative, but not stubborn.

Many people seem obsessed with shrinking news.dat. I personally
suggest looking into the file using NNIGN first, before you decide on
shrinking. If the amount of free space is far more than what you need
for tomorrow's dose of import, then it makes sense to shrink.
Otherwise, shrinking today only means growing tomorrow, so nevermind.

Albert Y.C. Lai