Listing of articles in Yarn v. 0.92

Hallvard Berg (
Thu, 02 Jan 1997 21:36:54 +0100

I upgraded my 0.91 version of Yarn to version 0.92 yesterday.

Since that I've been bothered with an annoying problem:
The article listing in the newsgroups.

I prefer to list my articles by score. That worked very well in version
0.91. In that version the articles in the threads was represented by
arrows, and it was possible to mark a whole thread as read by pressing
shift-k. In the new version neither of these things work.

Is it supposed to be this way, or am I doing anything wrong?

(Excuse my bad English)

Hallvard Berg                   Postboks 10                      N-9442 RAMSUND    NORWAY
greb on IRC (EFnet)