Re: 'import -r' file format?

Pat Shanahan (
Tue, 22 Oct 1996 15:43:32 -0500

Hi Chris Green <>

This is a public reply to your message of Tue, 22 Oct 1996 14:22:36 +0100 (BST),
From Newsgroup: list.yarn, titled: "'import -r' file format?",
in which you wrote:
.. What format does 'import -r' expect mail files to be in?

Soup format. "Import -r" will retrieve the mail/news without the inter-
mediate step of zipping the 0** and AREA files.

Pat Shanahan <>      Wise is the man who has nothing to say,
Chevy Trucks                                              and doesn't.....
Indianapolis Metal Stamping, div General Motors Corp               UnKnown