Re: 'import -r' file format?

Hardy Griech (
Wed, 23 Oct 1996 09:30:02 +0200

On Tue, 22 Oct 1996 21:41:12 +0200, (Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet) wrote:
> UNIX mailbox format is really simple. All messages begin with the
> string "From mail@address date" and do not contain lines starting
> with "From ". If any such line occurs in the text, it is escaped
> by putting ">" in position 0 of that line.

Could you please explain, how a line starting with ">From " will be
decoded. To my understanding the mailbox format cannot be transparent
(that's the reasons, why the SOUP->Yarn format of VSoup will change
from "mn" to "bn" and "un" to "Bn").

Hardy Griech, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 25/1, D-72762 Reutlingen