Re: Delayed edit?

Steve Washam (
Fri, 11 Oct 1996 13:24:24 -0400

In article <>, (Judy Stein) wrote:
> (Steve Washam) wrote Re: Delayed edit?:
>> BTW, thanks for the excellent description of how the Replies
>> folder works which you posted previously.
>You're more than welcome. Bear in mind this is *only* with
>reference to Yarn .79; the file structure and setup may be
>entirely different in .91.

Are you using MS-DOS or OS/2 Yarn?

My manual does not show any option to "resend" from the Posted or
Mailed folders. What keystroke do you use for this?


>> One can copy a folder (being a file) into the Replies
>> subdirectory and cause it to be named news or mail.
>...NOT to any files per se. Everything I talked about above
>occurs *within* Yarn, while Yarn is running, *except* for
>renaming the folders, which you have to do (with Yarn .79) from
>DOS after exiting Yarn. You don't have to do nuthin' in the
>temporary Replies subdirectory a-tall. (You'd have to do it by
>shelling to DOS from within Yarn anyway, since the subdirectory
>exists only when Yarn is running. I think it would confuse Yarn
>a *lot*.)

I have been able to _replace_ the mail or news folder file in the
replies subdirectory with a new file and Yarn doesn't get
confused. But what I want to do is _add_ to an existing packet.
I suspect a folder manipulation utility ought to be able to do
this from the shell.

>The reason for doing the renaming is that Yarn will *resend*
>articles/messages from the folders named POSTED and MAILED, but
>*only* from those folders.

I don't seem to have this feature. I don't see it in the manual.


> Assuming the
>> folder file structures are identical and also that Yarn is not
>> relying on any other information then Yarn would create a packet
>> from these (news and mail) folder files.
>NO, the MAILED folder/file structure is not identical to the
>MAIL.MSG file that gets zipped up into the reply packet, nor is
>the POSTED folder/file structure identical to the NEWS.MSG file
>that gets zipped up into the reply packet. The *.MSG files are
>created from whatever you put into the temporary REPLIES folder
>when you're in Yarn, i.e., when you reply to an article or
>message. A *copy* of what goes in these *.MSG files is put into
>the POSTED and MAILED folders, but I'm virtually positive there's
>some different coding involved, even if it doesn't show up when
>you look at the files in DOS.

I think we are mainly having semantical difficulty here,
compunded by the differences in our versions.

Are you saying that the POSTED and MAILED folder/files exist in
the \REPLIES subdirectory in your version? In Yarn .91 the
POSTED and MAILED files are ordinary folders in the \MAIL
sudirectory. The two temporary folder/files in the \REPLIES
directory are NEWS and MAIL.

I realize the folder/file is not the *.MSG file which gets zipped
up into the reply packet for uploading (different files and
format - same data). Yarn handles this quite nicely. I just
want a convenient way to get an article from a folder/file (any)
into my editor (without changing any headers except perhaps the
msg-id or the timestamp) and from there either back into a
folder/file or else into the temporary replies folder/files mail
or news.


Steve Washam Walla Walla, Washington