Re: ANNOUNCE: VSoup version 1.2 for OS/2 Warp

Michael Raiteri (
Wed, 09 Oct 1996 20:17:34 -0400 (Jim Holcomb) wrote:
>>to look for my old emx09b DLLs. BTW which revision do you have
>[D:\]emxrev I'm using
>EMX : revision = 42 43
>EMXIO : revision = 40 40
>EMXLIBC : revision = 43 41
>EMXLIBCM : revision = 43 41
>EMXLIBCS : revision = 43 41
>EMXWRAP : revision = 40 40
>I haven't gotten around to re-applying the 05 patch yet.
>When it quits I get (and I'll have to retry this) SYS3175. I'll post
>the details late this evening. This is the same message I get with 09C
>and VSoup 1.1 and 1.2.

Obviously my version 09b is different to yours.


Internet: <Michael Raiteri>
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