Re: Text Editors?

Judy Stein (
Sat, 05 Oct 1996 00:46:44 -0400

Kevin Martin <> wrote Re: Text Editors?:
> My favorite is EZQuote, which understands Usenet quoting and can rewrap
> long lines. For simplicity,there is a free editor called TED that can
> still do cut and paste and import files. You should be able to find
> either one at a SimTelnet or Garbo mirror.

In preference to TED, which I've also tried (but not EZQuote),
I've used SLED (Silly Little Editor) for many years with a
variety of reader programs. It has a few more features than TED
(as I recall, reformatting is much easier, although it doesn't
know from quote prefixes), but is still very small. Don't know
where to get it on the net, but BBSs would probably still have it
(it's been around for a long time).

+ Judy Stein * The Author's Friend * +