Re: Text Editors?

Lin Sprague (
Fri, 4 Oct 1996 14:26:02 -0500

On 4 Oct 96 at 10:36, J. Mark Dempsey wrote:
> I am new to souper yarn for dos and win95 and am wondering which
> text editors are being used well with yarn and also yes version
> 0.20? I am basically trying to get something that works better than
> the editor that comes with dos.

I love my Aurora editor, for DOS, version 3.0. Here's an excerpt from
it's description file:

AURORA v3.0 - One of the finest text editors available. Blazing
speed, superb interface, Huge capacity to 1 Gigabyte, 16k line
length. Syntax highlighting for over 20 languages. Easy-to-use
colorized Macro language with more than 15000 lines of macros,
integrated File manager, Directory tree, Live wordwrap, Undo-redo,
Hex mode, Win95 long names, Folds, Multi-file search/replace, real
tabs, popular Emulation styles, extremely Configurable!

It might be overkill for just messageing, but it's a great general
text editing tool. Cost is $39.95, should be available from standard
shareware sources.
...Lin Sprague.................................................. -OR-