Re: ANNOUNCE: Souper version 1.6 beta 1

Ralph D. Bednarski (
Mon, 26 Aug 1996 22:30:42 +0100

In article <>, (Chin Huang) wrote:

>- Replaced kill file with Yarn-style score file.

Hmm ... looks good at the first glance. But ... I don't see a chance,
to transfer the content of my existing KILL into that SCORE.

The only point I take care of is the number of news-groups, to reduce
cross-posted articles. My actual KILL looks like:

--------------- 8< cut here >8 ---------------
all {
Newsgroups [^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,.*
--------------- 8< cut here >8 ---------------

According to SOUPER.DOC and the scoring rules, this selection isn't a
valid choice any longer. Or do I miss something?

Ralph D. Bednarski                                    Beverungen / Germany
PGP-KeyId: 0xEC3C6DD1 (available at