Re: Cannot send uqwk commands

Wim Verveen (
Mon, 26 Aug 1996 20:02:14 +0200

In article <hYbIygzkgS/>, (A.R. & F.L. Scott-Thoennes) wrote:
>If the mail command when directly entered DOES work, then you shouldn't
>need to change uqwk.h.
>Are you in fact getting responses back from uqwk via email?
No, just the errormessage.

>Check that you are using uqwk 1.8; try "uqwk -p|more" to verify
>the version.
It's the 1.8 version.

Wim Verveen (      | Generals are in the nice white tent
                                      | on the hill, sipping sancerre
                                      | directing the battle; They are
                                      | men of honour             Rimmer