Re: Cannot send uqwk commands

A.R. & F.L. Scott-Thoennes (
Wed, 21 Aug 1996 19:59:36 -0700

In article <>, (Wim Verveen) wrote:
>I clearly remeber being able to use Yarn to send commands to uqwk to
>subscribe/unsubscribe to newsgroups (among other things).
>When I tried recently I got the following message:
>cannot chdir(/usr/spool/mqueue):permission denied). Does anybody know
>what's causing this? It could help me to explain the problem to my isp.

The first thing uqwk does when processing subscribe/unsubscribe type
commands is start a mail process to report back to you the results via
email. If you are not getting a response message from uqwk into your inbox,
try just typing the following at the shell prompt:

mail -s 'Results of your request' WVERVEEN

and see if you get the same error. If you do, this should help your
isp figure out the problem. I've heard of other folks whose isp have
had the mail program in an odd place or with an odd name. They have
had to recompile the uqwk source after modifying the line:

#define MAILER_PATH "mail" /* Where to find mailer */

in uqwk.h.