Re: Cannot send uqwk commands

Ken Gresham (
Sat, 24 Aug 1996 11:52:22 -0400

In article <>, you wrote:

I've come in on this late, so this comment may not even apply...

Unless a patch has been applied to your copy of uqwk, the mail
containing the commands has to be the last one sent. Uqwk won't send any
mail after the command mail message.

Ken Gresham

>I clearly remeber being able to use Yarn to send commands to uqwk to
>subscribe/unsubscribe to newsgroups (among other things).
>When I tried recently I got the following message:
>cannot chdir(/usr/spool/mqueue):permission denied). Does anybody know
>what's causing this? It could help me to explain the problem to my isp.