Re: Cannot send uqwk commands

Wim Verveen (
Sun, 25 Aug 1996 13:57:54 +0200

Thanks for you're reply.

I checked and I can send mail like you described. I've asked our systemmanager
to look into the uqwk.h matter.


In article <>, (A.R. & F.L. Scott-Thoennes) wrote:
>In article <>,
> (Wim Verveen) wrote:
>>I clearly remeber being able to use Yarn to send commands to uqwk to
>>subscribe/unsubscribe to newsgroups (among other things).
>>When I tried recently I got the following message:
>>cannot chdir(/usr/spool/mqueue):permission denied). Does anybody know
>>what's causing this? It could help me to explain the problem to my isp.
>The first thing uqwk does when processing subscribe/unsubscribe type
>commands is start a mail process to report back to you the results via
>email. If you are not getting a response message from uqwk into your inbox,
>try just typing the following at the shell prompt:
>mail -s 'Results of your request' WVERVEEN
>and see if you get the same error. If you do, this should help your
>isp figure out the problem. I've heard of other folks whose isp have
>had the mail program in an odd place or with an odd name. They have
>had to recompile the uqwk source after modifying the line:
>#define MAILER_PATH "mail" /* Where to find mailer */
>in uqwk.h.

Wim Verveen (      | Generals are in the nice white tent
                                      | on the hill, sipping sancerre
                                      | directing the battle; They are
                                      | men of honour             Rimmer