Re: your mail

Richard Steiner (
Thu, 22 Aug 1996 10:45:13 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 22 Aug 1996, Chua Teng Thiam wrote:

> Where can I obtain the latest Yarn and Souper for OS/2?
> Any WWW page? FTP sites?

I see these have already been answered.

> Are there any patch to the v0.9 ever-growing news file bug?

It's not a "bug", but rather a change in the design of the newsbase.

I've been using 0.91 now for a while now, after being very hesitant and
staying on 0.89 because I'd heard of this "problem", and my newsbase has
been exxtremely stablee. It reached a peak of about 22MB, and it's been
under that threshold ever since.

The only thing I dislike now is the fact that expire takes so darn long
to remove old messages.

  -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
                     Written online (ugh!) using pine!
                   The Theorem Theorem: If If, Then Then.