Re: Posting news with Souper

Lou Verdon (
Sun, 18 Aug 1996 01:29:04 -0400

In article <>, David W. Walker wrote:

>After a long run with uqwk under my Unix shell account with my ISP, I
>have been trying out OS/2 Souper on a SLIP connection, with generally
>satisfactory results. I cannot post Usenet articles through Souper,
>however--the news server rejects them for want of proper
>authentication. I have been told that the news server is expecting to
>received my userid and password with the posting and that Souper isn't
>set up to provide that.
>I note, however, that Souper can be configured to use an external
>posting program. Now, can someone tell me whether there is an external
>OS/2 posting program that can handle proper authentication, so I don't
>have to go back to my shell account just to post articles?

There have been several requests for help with authentication over the
past few months.

If anyone wants to adapt an existing REXX posting utility to handle
authentication, here's a start! Ethan's REXX script is about 11k
or 400 lines with comments. I will mail (or post) it if requested.


....The script is written specifically with
a PMMail 1.5 REXX exit in mind (and expects the "message" create by
PMMail to be in a certain format) but could work with other programs.
For example, if I have a raw text file with the message/article with
the required header information, I can type "pmmlnews article.test" and
it should post.

Currently the only handling I have for auth servers is:

WHEN nntprc = 380 THEN DO
l = l+1
logline.l = 'Host needs authorization info (380). Not supported.'
l = l+1
logline.l = line
signal halt

You could probably replace the HALT signal with two lines like

rcuser = SockSend(socket,'authinfo user <username>'||crlf)
if rcuser = blah say 'Yippee it worked for user'
rcpass = SockSend(socket,'authinfo pass <password>'||crlf)
if rcpass = blah say 'Yippee it worked for pass'

and do some further processing. I'm not really familair with the NNTP
codes involved beyond the server just saying it requires authorization.


