Posting news with Souper

David W. Walker (
Sat, 17 Aug 1996 22:09:34 -0400

After a long run with uqwk under my Unix shell account with my ISP, I
have been trying out OS/2 Souper on a SLIP connection, with generally
satisfactory results. I cannot post Usenet articles through Souper,
however--the news server rejects them for want of proper
authentication. I have been told that the news server is expecting to
received my userid and password with the posting and that Souper isn't
set up to provide that.

I note, however, that Souper can be configured to use an external
posting program. Now, can someone tell me whether there is an external
OS/2 posting program that can handle proper authentication, so I don't
have to go back to my shell account just to post articles?


===== David W. Walker =============================== =====
  Always borrow money from a pessimist; he doesn't expect to be paid back.