Re: Is there any kill/antikill utilities for Yarn

Richard Steiner (
Thu, 15 Aug 1996 23:32:47 -0500

Here in list.yarn, (Nik Ahmad Fahmi) spake unto us,

>The doc on score file is a bit scarce (for my standard :-(..) is there
>a better doc ... with more examples?

I've not seen one, no. If you want to do something in particular, tho,
this mailing list might be able to act as a slow interactive manual. :-)

>>After you're done composing a mail message, there's a little selection
>>menu that comes up with Abort, Send, etc. on it. One of the selections
>>on the list has to do with file attachment. I don't have a copy of Yarn
>>in front of me (I'm on a mac here), so I don't know the precise wording.
>>But anyway, it'll ask you for the file to attach -- type the path and
>>filename in the box, and it'll encode it using base64 and attach it to
>>the message as a MIME attachment.
>Now I notices them ... thanx a lot ... must increase my contact lens power
>I supposed ;->. Do I need to install any external program?

No external program required to create MIME file attachments, no. To
decode base64 stuff in Yarn, though, you need a third-party decoder.

-Rich Steiner  >>>--->  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
      Written offline using PC Yarn + Yep + FTE under OS/2 Warp
             Tonight's forecast: dark, followed by light.