Re: Is there any kill/antikill utilities for Yarn

Nik Ahmad Fahmi (
Fri, 16 Aug 1996 01:50:15 +0800

In article <Pine.SV4.3.91.960815113300.19582A-100000@mirage>, you wrote:
>On Thu, 15 Aug 1996, Nik Ahmad Fahmi wrote:
>Hello... :-)

Hello there....

>> 1. Is there any kill and especially anti-kill utilities provided for
>> Yarn? I know I can kill thread in newsgroups and I can create
>> filters to kill e-mail based on headers/body content but is there
>> an easier way? Third parties utilities maybe....??
>Yarn supports something called "score files" which can be global or be

The doc on score file is a bit scarce (for my standard :-(..) is there
a better doc ... with more examples?

>Depending on how you generate the SOUP packets you use, your SOUP packet
>utility might have support for kill files. I'm not sure -- I use uqwk on
>my ISP... But I prefer scoring, anyway, because I have the option to go
>back and look at eliminated stuff later if I choose.

My setup is a bit complicated actually. I'm using Waffle 1.65 to down/upload
my e-mails/news via UUCP. I've also got Solar ... a SOUP door for Waffle
to create SOUP packets which I import into Yarn. My P.C. is a standalone
P.C. and am not running a BBS. I've scan through Waffle and Solar's docs and
none of them says anything about killfiles :-(

>> 2. How do I attached a file to e-mail messages when composing them
>> using Yarn?
>After you're done composing a mail message, there's a little selection
>menu that comes up with Abort, Send, etc. on it. One of the selections
>on the list has to do with file attachment. I don't have a copy of Yarn
>in front of me (I'm on a mac here), so I don't know the precise wording.
>But anyway, it'll ask you for the file to attach -- type the path and
>filename in the box, and it'll encode it using base64 and attach it to
>the message as a MIME attachment.

Now I notices them ... thanx a lot ... must increase my contact lens power
I supposed ;->. Do I need to install any external program?

>> 3. Where/how can I specify the followings in e-mails:-
>> i. Priority
>> ii. Read receipt
>> iii. Send receipt
>I don't know that there's an RFC out there that supports receipts, is
>there? That'd be nice. I've seen a "Return-Receipt:" tag before, but I
>don't know if that's a standard tag or not... Anyway, I don't know of
>facilities for those things in Yarn. :-(

Is it one of the "X-" header??

>This is the best I can do off the top of my head without any Yarn refs
>around. If you want details about how to specify regular expressions for
>various things in a score file, we can try to help. My score file is
>very simple -- I globally remove any message crossposted to more than a
>certain number of groups (five, I think), and remove messages with one of
>a few select keywords in the Subject line. Others likely have more
>experience with it...

That's more than enough already .... thanks again ... really appreciates it!


Nik Ahmad Fahmi                                e-mail:
... I'm coming Dear, I only have 437 more messages to read!