Re: Is there any kill/antikill utilities for Yarn

Richard Steiner (
Thu, 15 Aug 1996 11:49:13 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 15 Aug 1996, Nik Ahmad Fahmi wrote:

Hello... :-)

> I'm new to this list .... sorry if my questions have been asked before.
> I have used Yarn 0.91 for about a week now and am beginning to like it.

Uh-oh... Careful, or you'll turn into one of us... ;-)

> 1. Is there any kill and especially anti-kill utilities provided for
> Yarn? I know I can kill thread in newsgroups and I can create
> filters to kill e-mail based on headers/body content but is there
> an easier way? Third parties utilities maybe....??

Yarn supports something called "score files" which can be global or be
associated with a particular newsgroup. You can use scores to weight each
message based on content, and then use the final score associated with the
messages to affect the sorting of a newsgroup or to eliminate messages
below a certain score threshold by marking them as "already read" in the
database (you don't see them unless you choose to view all messages).

That effectively kills them when you view only unread messages.

Yarn score files aren't a true "kill", since the messages will still
physically exist (which is nice if there's a chance you might want to
reference them later anyway).

Depending on how you generate the SOUP packets you use, your SOUP packet
utility might have support for kill files. I'm not sure -- I use uqwk on
my ISP... But I prefer scoring, anyway, because I have the option to go
back and look at eliminated stuff later if I choose.

> 2. How do I attached a file to e-mail messages when composing them
> using Yarn?

After you're done composing a mail message, there's a little selection
menu that comes up with Abort, Send, etc. on it. One of the selections
on the list has to do with file attachment. I don't have a copy of Yarn
in front of me (I'm on a mac here), so I don't know the precise wording.
But anyway, it'll ask you for the file to attach -- type the path and
filename in the box, and it'll encode it using base64 and attach it to
the message as a MIME attachment.

> 3. Where/how can I specify the followings in e-mails:-
> i. Priority
> ii. Read receipt
> iii. Send receipt

I don't know that there's an RFC out there that supports receipts, is
there? That'd be nice. I've seen a "Return-Receipt:" tag before, but I
don't know if that's a standard tag or not... Anyway, I don't know of
facilities for those things in Yarn. :-(

This is the best I can do off the top of my head without any Yarn refs
around. If you want details about how to specify regular expressions for
various things in a score file, we can try to help. My score file is
very simple -- I globally remove any message crossposted to more than a
certain number of groups (five, I think), and remove messages with one of
a few select keywords in the Subject line. Others likely have more
experience with it...

Good luck!

  -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
                     Written online (ugh!) using pine!
                   The Theorem Theorem: If If, Then Then.