Is there any kill/antikill utilities for Yarn

Nik Ahmad Fahmi (
Thu, 15 Aug 1996 23:13:52 -0800

Hi all,

I'm new to this list .... sorry if my questions have been asked before.
I have used Yarn 0.91 for about a week now and am beginning to like it.
I've printed out the docs and just finished reading it. There are several
questions that comes to mind ... hope that any Yarn gurus can help me

1. Is there any kill and especially anti-kill utilities provided for
Yarn? I know I can kill thread in newsgroups and I can create
filters to kill e-mail based on headers/body content but is there
an easier way? Third parties utilities maybe....??

2. How do I attached a file to e-mail messages when composing them
using Yarn?

3. Where/how can I specify the followings in e-mails:-
i. Priority
ii. Read receipt
iii. Send receipt

Thanks in advance.

Nik Ahmad Fahmi                                e-mail:
... Beware of Programmers who carry screwdrivers. -- Leonard Brandwein