Re: X-misc headers

Randy Bradakis (
Thu, 15 Aug 1996 10:12:54 -0400

The human formerly known as " (Ian D. Goodyer)" wrote:
{In article <>, you wrote:
{>I've been looking for a way to add X-misc headers to my posts, without
{>manually adding each line to every post. I'm running Yarn OS/2,
{>and using Brief as my editor.
{>Any good ideas?

{Yep, Yep, Yep I have an idea. Tim Middleton's yep is excellent for this

Wow, thanks to y'all. Via the ng and mail, I received a 'couple'
of references to YEP, which I have installed the 1.6 beta of, and
am running right now. Not bad. PGP soon, as soon as I can recall
where (what computer) I left my keyring.

no sig too small