Re: Problems with Souper95

Steve_Coletti (
Sun, 11 Aug 1996 11:10:54 -0400

In article <>,
Mark Weinstock <> wrote:
>I'm writing this using (ugh) Eudora, since I keep getting a number of GPFs
>(or whatever
>Wi95 likes to call them) when I run souper95 -s. The dumps of the errors are
>I've tried a number of things, form restarting the machine, to reinstalling
>windows. Any suggestions?

Did you reformat your HD before reinstalling the software? That usually
kisses off this problem in WIN 3.x, but I never tried it with WIN95.

Luckilly it hasn't happened to me yet and I hope it wont until I get a
backup tape unit installed.

Try doing a (non destructive) surface scan of your HD and see if you have
any problems with the media.

 < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^>
 <                         "Big Steve" Coletti                         >
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 < I was balding, then I installed Windows 95 and pulled the rest out. >
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