Re: Souper95 Stupidity

Steve_Coletti (
Sun, 11 Aug 1996 11:17:37 -0400

In article <>,
Mark Weinstock <> wrote:
>ok.. I now claim the honor of moron of the day. I figured out why souper95
>Sorry to bother everyone with my idiocy <g>

Hey I fell for the "Good Times" virus hoax, (glad to see the moron of the
group crown has been passed in so short a time). We can't all be geniuses,
especially when working with Windows 95 has deteriorated our brains.

 < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^>
 <                         "Big Steve" Coletti                         >
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 < I was balding, then I installed Windows 95 and pulled the rest out. >
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