Re: Help with Souper95?

Steve_Coletti (
Sun, 11 Aug 1996 10:54:59 -0400

In article <>, (Debra Walker) wrote:
>In article <>,
> (Zachary Ethridge) wrote:

>>if exist %packet% pkunzip -o %packet%
>>if exist %packet% souper95 -s zacketh <password>
>>if exist %packet% del %packet%
>Just a hunch... Perhaps, it might work if you use either
> or, instead of pop3*, for this
>line in your BAT file, and just delete your user ID and password.

I think you got it Debra. POP servers are usually for reading ONLY. He
sould be specifying the SMTP server for sending mail. I believe SOUPER
sends mail before news. If the mail setup is wrong Souper will fail and so
the news goes nowhere.

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