Re: Souper error logging

Debra Walker (
Sun, 04 Aug 1996 19:00:01 -0500

In article <>, (Michael Gray) wrote:

>My ISP has been having some problems in the past, and news articles
>that I THOUGHT had been posted disppear into the bit bucket. I
>regularly copy to .bak in case there are problems. But if
>I'm not actually watching the transfer (not the most thought provoking
>task around here), there's no way to check they've actually been
>posted (most recent was a 'No space on server' error). And since I've
>recently gotten my killfile running, the 'kill mega-crossposted'
>scrolls my screen. Is there a way to log these error messages? Or
>just log all output? Would a simple pipe to file suffice? Gotta try
>that on this packet.

I run Souper95 and Yarn95 with Win95. Funny that you should mention a
log file for errors and/or all Souper output... I had been wondering
about that myself. Sometimes, my PPP connection burps (or gets cut
off, through no fault of my own), or Win95 and/or Souper just crashes.
On other occasions, I would like to be able to examine Souper95's
output, just to see if the kill files are working properly, and so

Now, if you get a "no space on server" error, though, it would seem to
me that this incident may be due to something happening on your ISP's
end. But, at any rate, it would be nice to be able to create a log of
Souper's activities. I don't generally endorse a wish list for any
program. However, I would like to add this wish for Souper :)...

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL