Re: Help with Souper95?

Debra Walker (
Sun, 04 Aug 1996 18:07:16 -0500

In article <>, (Zachary Ethridge) wrote:

Hi, Zachary.

>My setup using Souper95 downloads newsgroups and email ok, and uploads
>my email. However, it won't upload my news postings. I'm running it in
>a batch file and it returns an error of "Bad command or file name" with


>This is the batch file I run with:
>set packet=c:\tcpip\soup\
Why do you need to set all of these variables? As I understand
Souper, the nntpserver setting should eliminate the need to set nntp.
Also, the smtp and pop3 settings should take care of mail. So, why
would you need to set a mail variable? If I am wrong, would someone
please correct me?

>if exist %packet% pkunzip -o %packet%
>if exist %packet% souper95 -s zacketh <password>
>if exist %packet% del %packet%

Just a hunch... Perhaps, it might work if you use either or, instead of pop3*, for this
line in your BAT file, and just delete your user ID and password.

In my case, I can use the same server name for pop3 and smtp
(, the machine where my account is homed).

>Why won't Souper95 upload my usenet posts?

As I said above, you might want to try modifying that particular line
in your BAT file. At any rate, I have been able to successfully use
Souper95 to do the same things that you are attempting. My method is
somewhat different (see below):

@echo off
cd yarn\souper
echo "Logging on..."
souper95 -x debraw <password>

(NOTE: the above lines in my BAT file get whatever mail/news is waiting.)

cd yarn
echo "Downloading messages/articles..."
import95 -u d:\yarn\souper

(NOTE: the above lines import whatever mail/news is there.)

unzip -o d:\upload\ -d d:\yarn\souper
cd yarn\souper
echo "Uploading messages/articles..."
souper95 -s
(NOTE: The above section of my BAT file uploads the REPLIES packet,
and sends any mail/news contained within... is both my
smtp and pop3 server name. I only use that highlighted line, in this
routine, w/o the user ID and password, and I am able to upload both
mail and news.)

del d:\upload\

(NOTE: After I upload the replies packet, then it is deleted, and
Souper95 is terminated. BTW, I do all of this in a DOS window, via a
shortcut, in Win95.)

Sorry that this is a long reply :)... However, I just wanted to point
out where I thought your routine may have failed. From what I can
see, perhaps, if you eliminate the user ID and password, and
substitute the smtp server name in that particular line of your BAT
file, you should be able to upload your news articles/replies
properly. As I understand it, the smtp server name points to where
you can send mail, anyway...

I am not an expert, by any means. Just trying to help...

Good luck.

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL