Souper95 setup [Was Re: MIME Enabled YARN (OS/2): Pointer]

James Huang (
Sun, 04 Aug 1996 21:55:42 +0100

In article <>, (Debra Walker) wrote:

> In article <>, (James Huang) wrote:

> I run Souper95 and Yarn95 (v.0.90) under Win95. I don't use or run
> NT, so I can't help you there.
> I run Souper95, using a BAT file in a DOS window. In Win95, I created
> a shortcut for this, that points to the BAT file.

That was what I thought of doing but rather than hopping in and having
to get my system back up again. <g>

> The best way for me to show you how Souper95 can run is to provide a
> copy of my BAT file. So, here it is:

Thanks. I'll cut and paste and try it out.

> When I was trying to set up Souper95 a couple of months ago, I got a
> lot of assistance from users on this list. I am now running Souper95
> daily, with few problems. I am no expert, but, if you have any
> further questions, feel free to email me.

I hope you do not regret making that offer as I might have to take you
up on that. <g>

Once again, thanks.
