Re: MIME Enabled YARN (OS/2): Pointer

Debra Walker (
Sun, 04 Aug 1996 14:18:01 -0500

In article <>, (James Huang) wrote:

>Anyone who can help me with a blow-by-blow description on getting Souper
>95 running under either Win95 or NT?

Hello, James.

I run Souper95 and Yarn95 (v.0.90) under Win95. I don't use or run
NT, so I can't help you there.

I run Souper95, using a BAT file in a DOS window. In Win95, I created
a shortcut for this, that points to the BAT file.

The best way for me to show you how Souper95 can run is to provide a
copy of my BAT file. So, here it is:

@echo off
cd yarn\souper
echo "Logging on..."
souper95 -x debraw <my POP password goes here>
cd yarn
echo "Downloading messages/articles..."
import95 -u d:\yarn\souper
unzip -o d:\upload\ -d d:\yarn\souper
cd yarn\souper
echo "Uploading messages/articles..."
souper95 -s
del d:\upload\

This routine calls up DUN, connects, gets mail and news, uploads any
replies, deletes the replies file, and closes the program. In my BAT
file, "" is my POP server name, and "debraw" is my login
ID. The NNTPSERVER variable is set in autoexec.bat, i.e. SET The HOME variable is also set in
autoexec.bat. Souper95 looks for your kill and newsrc files (.kill
and .newsrc) in your HOME directory, by default (I think). There are
other switches/options that can be used, too. If you type "souper95
/?" at the DOS directory prompt (where you installed Souper), you
should get a list of all of the ones that apply to Souper95.

>Having run Yarn in some years under DOS with Qmodem as my transport
>medium I am now looking at fetching my mail and news over PPP. I have
>fetched Souper 95 but the docs refer to a OS/2 install. Or I am blind?

The docs that came with Souper95 can be confusing to a Win95 user,
since many references are, indeed, made to OS/2. However, most of the
information about command-line switches/options does pertain to
Win95. Also, the information about the kill and newsrc files also
applies to Win95.

When I was trying to set up Souper95 a couple of months ago, I got a
lot of assistance from users on this list. I am now running Souper95
daily, with few problems. I am no expert, but, if you have any
further questions, feel free to email me.

Good luck.

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL