MIME Enabled YARN (OS/2): Pointer

Robin Klitscher (robinkk@ibm.net)
Wed, 31 Jul 1996 10:45:01 +1200

Anyone running the Souper/Yarn combo in OS/2 who's been perplexed by
the magic spells needed to coax MIME support from METAMAIL and its
cousins could do worse than check out the documentation that comes with
Jerry Levy's YarnDial 1.31 beta (YRNDL131.ZIP in Hobbes /incoming).

Though written primarily to support his YarnDial utility, the author
has included in his doc some clear and helpful stuff not only on the
inscrutability of METAMAIL but also on setting up Souper/Yarn in the
first place, and tuning it .....


Robin Klitscher
Wellington ("Harbour City") NZ