Re: Undigestifier

From: John A. Stanley (
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 18:37:51 -0500

In article <+777ysZA/>, Gary H <garyh@sco.COM> wrote:
>How do guys/gals deal with digests? Is there a way to hook up an undigestifier
>to yarn? I am on a few automobile digests and would like to undigestify all my
>mail into a newgroup so I can sort by subject.

The best undigestifier is to not subscribe to the digest version in
the first place. You can use Yarn's mail filter to toss all the
individual listserv postings into pseudo-newsgroups. Yarn even sorts
the threads.

John A. Stanley            

"Hey! You got your razor in my wager!"