Re: Spam Hater

From: Debra Walker (
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 15:59:18 -0600

On Wed, 29 Jan 1997 04:42:53 -0500,
in article <>, (Bob Paddock) wrote:

>Looks like some on forged my address and now I'm getting all
>kinds of spam hate mail...

Unfortunately, this kind of abuse/harassment is becoming more common.
Have you contacted your sys admin for assistance? If you haven't
already done so, I would suggest that you inform him/her ASAP. Also,
has anyone who has sent you the hate mail included any headers of the
forgeries in their messages? If you have saved any of those emails,
you might want to look through them, see if they give header info, and,
if you can, look for clues there. You may also want to forward some of
these messages, or all of them, to your sys admin.

There are antispam FAQ's available that can help you, regarding
email/Usenet abuse, harassment, and other related topics. Here are
some URL's to get you started: (Email FAQ) (Net Abuse FAQ)

There are other Web sites that deal with these issues, too. The FAQ's
mentioned above contain URL's that point to some of those sites. Also,
you can post to one of the* newsgroups, e.g., The former
deals with email abuse issues, and the latter deals with Usenet abuse
issues. There are some knowledgable users that regularly follow those
groups, and you should be able to get some valuable suggestions.

>Go to and search for "spam", this is what you get, plus
>a link to the file so you can download it. Can some one tell me how
>to get this to work with YARN/SOUPER, since that is not one of the supported
>pacages? Any one know of a equivalent that would do what this does with
>Spam Hater

I don't know how one would be able to use a program like Spam Hater
with Yarn/Souper, or of a similar app that could be used with the same.
It would be great if such an app existed. If it does, I would love to
know where it could be found. I am getting more and more junk email
these days. The process of deciphering message headers (to help
discover where to direct complaints), running whois and traceroute, and
composing complaint messages can be rather time-consuming, when you do
it on your own.

In the meantime, you could use Yarn's email filtering feature to weed
out known offensive domains or individuals, and have their email
deleted or sent to folders. However, you would have to download the
mail from your server first. AFAIK, there is no direct email filtering
feature for Souper, by itself. I think that the score file only deals
with news articles. However, if you have a shell account, and your ISP
has an email filtering program available on the server's side, e.g.
procmail, then you could set that up to deal with known abusers. With
this method, you would not have to download email from certain
people/sites at all.

I use procmail at a real basic level, i.e. just to send offensive junk
email to /dev/null, to folders in my home directory and/or send an
exitcode (77). Procmail has been my friend throughout these trying
times. However, you have to keep your scripts up-to-date, since new
abusers crop up everyday. But, on the plus side, I have been able to
keep certain junk off my PC, since procmail has caught the email, and
I don't have to see it.

Please excuse the length of this post :)... You touched on a subject
that is real close to home. I hope that some of the information
helped, and good luck to you in dealing with the forgery problem.

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL