Re: Yarn95/Souper95

From: Michael Raiteri (
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 1997 16:03:24 +1000

Hi Jose, (Cthulhu) wrote:
>On Sun, 26 Jan 1997 13:11:46 -0500,
>(Michael Raiteri) wrote:
>>Hi Jose
> Hello Michael,
> [SNIP]
>>In my autoexec.bat I have the following settings for yarn/Souper
>>set HOME=E:\HOME (the souper newsrc file is stored here)
>>set YARN=E:\YARN
> You don't need the MAILER and POSTER environment variables, that's for
> when you want to use another program other than SOUPER.EXE to post
> news/mail. That's why SOUPER is not sending the messages. Make sure
> that when you're sending you specify the name of the SMTP server by
> doing an 'souper -s name.of.smtp.server' for e-mail to be sent properly.
> [SNIP]
>>Hope you can help. If there is any other info you need please let me
>>know. I'm used to yarn under OS/2 and don't want to have to change to
>>Eudora/Free Agent under win95.
> You shouldn't. . .that's sacrilege! ;-)
> OS/2 is much more helpful when it comes to IP addresses and/or names for
> POP3 and SMTP mail servers. They're kept in one file, which SOUPER for
> OS/2 accesses and read into memory. No such luck in the Win'95 version.
> But after removing the above variables, you should be okay.
> Hope that works. . .let me know if it doesn't and I'll see what I can
> do.
>- --

Yes it did. My problem appears to be that I kept putting the wrong name of
the smtp server.

Anyway many thanks to the many prople out there who took time out to
help this useless sole.

Thank you all.


Internet: <Michael Raiteri>
        Brisbane,  Queensland,  Australia