Re: How to alter the 'From:'-line?

From: B. Vermo (
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 15:08:19 +0100

In article <>, (Tore Aursand) wrote:
|Now I want to alter the From-line before/after I've written the message,
|so that the receivers can't see that I'm 'cheating'. :-)
All network providers are supposed to make sure their users are not
able to send forged messages, since they might then pretend to be
somebody else (which is a criminal offence in most countries).
Sites which are too lax run the risk of being shut out from the exchange
of mail and news. You are, however, supposed to be able to post from
another site than your 'home'. The 'Reply-To:' field is fine for that, but
you might also contact the postmaster at the site you post from to
have your alternative id accepted by their mailserver.