Re: How to alter the 'From:'-line?

From: Mikus Grinbergs (
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 09:53:04 -0600

In article <>, (Jim Tucker) wrote:
> > (Tore Aursand) wrote:
> >> Is there any way I can alter the From-line in the header? I currently
> >
> >No, that's not possible. The only way I can think of is to set
> >up a new user, who has the other address. You can configure that
> >account to use the Reply-To header if you want.
> Hmmm... I send the message to REPLIES. Then recall it to edit again. You
> can then edit the From: field.

At least on my system, Yarn will _erase_ any From-line I stick in
with my editor (even in REPLIES), and will insert its own From-line
generated from the Yarn configuration file.

I end up doing like Tore - switch users (i.e., configuration files)
before running Yarn.
