Re: Read/Unread

From: A.R. & F.L. Scott-Thoennes (
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 08:21:11 -0800

In article <>,
BenGrimm@XS4ALL.NL (Ben C. O. Grimm - Libertatis Praesidium NL -) wrote:
>Would it be possible to process the score file on import? I
>would like to arrange the following processes in this order (in
>my batch file):
>1) import news, with score files processed on-the-fly
>2) expire -r
>3) open Yarn, where the correct amount of articles is shown

If you use a shell account, look into trnkill.
Or the patched uqwk with killfile support.
If not, you should be able to set up score files with souper
or vsoup.

>At this moment, the score files are processed when you enter a
>newsgroup. This will happen every time you enter a newsgroup,
>even if you have entered the group a dozen times before. This
>takes up time and resources, and can be done more efficiently on
>import. Is this at all possible, f.i. by moving the score
>routine from the yarn executable to the import executable?

I believe it only scores articles that haven't already been scored.

Import doesn't do anything that might vary from one USER to another.
Such as scoring. Might be nice to have it available with a command
switch though...?