Re: Tim, äh Tom, äh Tym, Tum, Tam, Tem (in Germany also possible: Täm Töm Tüm...)

From: Tim Muddletyn (
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 19:25:17 -0500

Fri, 17 Jan 1997 10:02:54 +0100, (Hardy Griech) wrote:
>Ah, that's a hole in your anti-spammer-system! They have to construct
>a simple robot which scans all web pages for email addresses and then
>they will get you again...

I know! Terrifying prospect isn't it. But the last spam i got was way
back in november... not too bad... used to get lots... maybe all the
spammers have decided to take the year off though <G>. If i start
getting more spams i'll start working on even more dastardly ways to
defeat it, and generally annoy the internet community... the cure
being in some cases worse than the disease!

>For me it is showing up correct (code page 850)...

Ah i should switch back to that... i used to run in cp 850, but Merlin
installed 437 on me ... default...

>Huuh, complicated. No it is 'deutsch' (without the 'e'). An URL to a
>german site could be named e.g. 'Deutsche Seite mit Tips und Tricks
>f=FCr Yarn' ('german page with tips&tricks for Yarn') - there we have

Ok, i think the "deutsch" is good enough for me... i stole the actual
Title from the web page so it should be correct... i just have it set
now so there is a list and simply says:

* Deutsch: <the german title of the german page>
* Fran=E7ais: <the french title of the french page>
The way I came up with the slightly eroneous Deutche was i thought
german for german started out Deutsch... as in "Deutschland" (<-- i
have no idea if that's spelled correctly)... so i searched teh german
page i found for "deutsch" and came up with the one with the e on the
end which looked approximately right to me. But i was defeated by the
... ending... declension or whatever we are calling it. <-: Those
complications and pitfalls ignorant people who don't know the language
fall into. (-:

Tim Myddletin =3D-=3D-=3D-=3D- with love and squalor -=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D x=
@ vex . net
-=3D- find and read A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole -=3D-=
Yarn/2 Bells & Whistles Page:
* January 17th * International Day of Bagged Lunches