Re: Yarn/2 Bells & Whistles - BROKEN - DOWNLOADS NOT ALLOWED

From: Tim Myddleten (
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 23:35:24 -0500

Fri, 17 Jan 1997 01:14:40 +0100, (Hardy Griech) wrote:
>No, no, no! His name is Tim!

Tim tom tum tam herbert terence peri joe... what's the difference. I
go with the philosphy.. "call me anything, just don't call me late for
dinner". <-:

There is a price to be paid for being a smartass where message headers
are concerned -- for example i confused the (rather forgiving)
sysadmin of my new ISP so badly that he entered my last name of my
user record "technically" wrong. Heh. I don't care. No need to bother
changing it...

The only thing i feel bad about is that sometimes people feel
embarrassed not knowing which is right... i don't mind embarrassing
myself, but am not that keen on being the source of embarrassment for
others. Oh well.

>> permission to access /~x/files/ on this
> :
>I am almost sure that his 'hiding' utility is hiding the URLs a little
>bit too much...

Even i'm not _that_ cruel. <-: That's my new url... new isp.. still in
the process of moving in... had overlooked the permissions setting on
that directory... fixed now.

>Hardy Griech, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 25/1, D-72762 Reutlingen

Then there are people go give out their name, home addresses, and
"real" underwear size with every message... (-; Each to his own.

  Tim Moddletun =-=-= the Wood between the Worlds =-=-= x @ vex . net
  -=-=-=- do read Don Quixote by Cervantes if at all possible -=-=-=-                                         
    Yarn/2 Bells & Whistles Page:
           * January 16th * International Day of Wiggles