Re: UQWK packing order

From: Tim Muddletyn (
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 23:19:31 -0500

Thu, 16 Jan 1997 08:57:33 -0500 (EST), Chin Huang <cthuang@IO.ORG> wrote:
>That's because at, I modified UQWK to always pack mail first in

Ah! Amazing. Hadn't thought of that...

ah too bad the solution isn't simpler for others. Packing mail first
is much better than last for several reasons (i think). One is that if
you have a flakey connection your mail is transfered first (better
safety) if interrupted. Second ... those die-hards that still use
QWK packets... UQWK tends to screw them up by moving around the
"email" "conference number" when subscribing/unsubscribing to
different newsgroups. This happens a fair amount at Durham Freenet...
people aren't aware of these considerations... Ah well...

is it a fairly simple modification? I might take a look at changing it
at DFN now that i know that's what you did...

  Tim Moddletan =-=-= with love and a banana fish =-=-= x @ vex . net
  -=-=-= now out of school, read Hamlet by William Shakespeare =-=-=-                                         
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