Re: more then 1 user om MS-DOS system

From: Tim Maddletin (
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 23:15:46 -0500

Thu, 16 Jan 1997 18:55:59 +0100, Ray Vermey <> wrote:
>Pfew !! I found it. Yarn could not cope with the Windows95 long
>filenames ;) Or is it pkzip ? Hmmm might be PKZIP then....

If you are DOS versions of anything under Win95 they won't be able to
use long filenames. You should use Yarn95, and InfoZIP\UNZIP (in my
opinion) for packing/unpacking... infozip home page:

yarn config settings for infozip:

compress=zip -kjm %f %d/*
uncompress=unzip -o %f

  Tim Muddleten =-=-=-=- with love and squalor -=-=-=-= x @ vex . net
  -=- find and read A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole -=-                                         
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