Re: Kill file question

From: Hardy Griech (
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 14:15:03 +0100

On Thu, 16 Jan 1997 07:28:17 -0500, (Jim Holcomb) wrote:
> I have a line in my vsoup kill file that reads "Subject Sex" to filter
> out some of the junk in the newsgroups.
> In reviewing what was killed I noticed the subject "MSExchange" was
> bounced out.
> How can I kill articles with the word Sex but not articles where a word
> contains the letters sex in the middle?

There are several implementations of regexp() out! The one VSoup is
using knows nothing about word boundaries. In this case you have to
check for a leading blank. This could be accomplished with the regexp
"[ ]sex".

Same could be done for "suck", "fuck", "shit", "goddam", "god damn"
and so on. Btw "suck" and "fuck" could be abbreviated to the regular
expression "[sf]uck". Anyway the whole bunch could be abbreviated to
"[sf]uck|shit|goddam|god damn"...

Hardy Griech, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 25/1, D-72762 Reutlingen