REQ: Score whole threads by highest score in thread

From: Jens Bang (
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 05:47:10 +0100

Hi Chin!

I just upgraded to v. 0.92 of Yarn/2. And I love it! Especially the thread
trees are great.

I just have one 'little' request: Can't you make it possible to score whole
threads by the score of the highest scoring message in the thread? As it is
now, you can't use the thread tree feature if you want to use the score
feature. I can see why: Sorting messages by score will almost positively
break up a thread. But if you make it possible for us to tell Yarn to score
_all_ messages in one thread by the score of the message with the highest
score _in_that_thread_ the break-up problem would be solved, and I could
use the thread tree. Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with sugar on top?

I know I have asked for this before. I just didn't want you to forget.
Especially now, with this great thread tree. :-)


CUL8R dude! \|/ @ @ Jens +-----------------------oOO-(_)-OOo-----------------------+ | Internet CompuServe 100437,2475 | | FidoNet 2:235/142 VirNet 9:451/238 | | OS2Net 81:445/49 Fax +45 - 3537 - 7006 | +---------------------------------------------------------+