Re: Error message when doing expire.

From: Tim Maddletan (
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 02:02:05 -0500

Sun, 12 Jan 1997 13:53:27 +0100, (Joni Boren) wrote:
>I did run YarnPack /I before and it was OK then after Expire -r and it was now
>"out of sync".

Interesting -- this makes me wonder (a little more) if it is Yarnpack's
fault in that case. But nevertheless, when i get around to revising
Yarnpack I will be keeping all these things in mind and try to put in even
more safety measures/checks/double-checks... and other stuff...

(Maybe i'll even see if i can hit Chin up for some real Yarn information.
<-: I don't like to pester him with my trivial questions though...)

(also i want to build in a bunch of new (optional) integrity checks into
NNIGN -- eventually)

>It does help a little you don't need any extra disk space with YarnPack that
>you would need with Rebuild -s.

Yeah, i guess. And as long as Yarnpack doesn't cause anyone to loose any
articles, or produce any real news.dat devistation -- i won't yet have to
commit suicide to expiate my crimes against Yarn. But it would be nice if
we can solve these problems too. (-:

  Tim Muddletun =-= the Wood between the Worlds =-= as544
  -=-=-=- do read Don Quixote by Cervantes if at all possible -=-=-=-
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