Re: Error message when doing expire.

From: Jens Bang (
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 04:13:39 +0100

In article <>, (Joni Boren) wrote:
>In article <O9y1ygHAA0dU092yn@y.z>, (Tim Maddletun) wrote:
>>>Assertion failed: blk.prev + free.size + sizeof(BlockHeader) == delOffset,
>>>file ..\SPOOLFIL.CPP, line 235
>>Not exactly a completely rare error around here. (-: I have my theories...
>>I don't think it's related to yarnpack, i really don't...
>>But run Yarnpack /I and see if it reports any errors. If not i'd risk
>>another Yarnpack /P. (backup your yarn directory first if you have space).
>>If you want to play it extra safe though, naturally "rebuild -s" will fix
>Hello this is my first followup or post to this list but i have been reading
>it for some time.

Welcome to the neighboorhood. :-)

>I have gotten the this error too after using YarnPack 1.0 [DOS] and Expire -r.

Actually I have gotten the same message (almost, I got line 234, not 235)
_without_ running YarnPack. I have never used YarnPack, but when I wanted
to do the first expire I ever did, I got the error. It was on a 95 MB
mail-file, where a lot of the mail would be expired. So it doesn't
necesarily (sp?) have to be YarnPack's fault. The line number difference
might be because of different Yarn version. AFAIR I'm using 0.90.

>I have done some tests and it seems YarnPack misses to update someting, if i run
>Rebuild -h right after YarnPack i don't get this error and everyting seems
>to be OK.

Rebuild helps at my end too. So it might be expire that misses something. I
posted a message about the error a couple of weeks ago, but never got an


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