Re: And now for something completely almost different...

From: Tim Muddleten (
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 15:04:36 -0500

Sat, 11 Jan 1997 14:41:58 +0200, (Jani Patanen) wrote:
>Should it support regeps on the search patterns? Didn't work with my

Nope, sorry... Yarf does not support Reguglar Expressions for searching.
It's a straight case insensitive text search. I wish I could support
Regular expressions, however being but a lowly pascal programmer -- there
is no regex library/unit for pascal that i'm aware of. Possibly i could
link in the C library... but that's a bit beyond me too. (-: A man has got
to know his limitations, as Clint says!

  Tim Middletun =-=-=- with love and squalor -=-=-= as544
  -=-=-= read the Wizard of Oz by Frank L. Baum: forget Disney =-=-=-
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